Will you be attending the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2012? Are you already going to be taking notes or blogging about the sessions you attend?

If you answered yes to these questions then consider signing up to post your notes or blogs for the sessions you are interested in. Here’s how to sign up, it’s super easy:

  1. Fill out the volunteer application, indicate your interest in wiki note taking.
  2. A Communities Committee member will contact you confirming your interest.
  3. Head over to our wiki and create an account if you do not already have one.
  4. If your account does not automatically work don’t worry, it may not have been approved yet.
  5. When you can log in. Fill out your user profile by talking about what communities you plan on being involved in, see mine or Valeries for an example.
  6. Head back on over to the wiki page and click edit on the day that you wish to sign up for a session.
  7. Replace the Sign Up text with your name linking to your profile in the correct cell of the table for the session you wish to blog or take notes on. (Here is an example of how to link to your profile page [[User:Bubbva|Valerie]] replace Bubbava with your user name and Valerie with your name)
  8. It is a good idea to preview your changes before saving them

And Voila! you are all signed up. We need to get as many of the sessions covered as possible so please take some time to figure out your schedule before the conference and sign up.

In order to give you an idea of what we are looking for, Note-takers will add their notes directly on the wiki using the wiki markup language, and these should be factual notes of what was actually said in the session. Bloggers will blog on their own blogs anything they like and edit the session wiki page to link to their blog from their.

If you do sign up, be sure to post your notes as soon as possible after the session because we have many followers who are not able to make it to this years GHC and we want to keep them well fed with new and updated content as the conference goes on.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

WE10 is coming up the first week of November, I found out that it was in Orlando in August which was much too late to properly apply to volunter but I signed up to be a standby volunteer anyway. Since I hadn’t heard anything in two months I figured I would not be needed, but to my surprise yesterday I received an email saying they need another volunteer!! So I will be attending WE10!!

Stop by and see me at the Career Resource Center 10:30am-2:30pm on Wednesday.

Are you looking forward to WE10? Have you heard of the annual conference before?

All photos from GHC are on this web site


What I would like to talk about regarding Barbara Liskovs talk has to do with one of the questions in the Q and A.

What would you recommend as as a first language?

She answered that there is not a good answer, Python is ok probably the best choice, java and C# is good. But we need another languages.

What would you recommend or can you come up with a good new language?

Here are some impressive numbers on Yahoo!

600 million people come to them from around the world and they serve up 100 billion emails a month as well as 18 billion adds a day.

Here are some key points from Carol on career and life.

-Embrace change
-Stand up for yourself
-BE A LEADER dont wait for a mentor to come along
-Don’t think of your career about a ladder thing about it as a pyramid. (ladders are unstable.)
-Given that you are on average 20 yrs old you have about 50 years to work
-Dont miss out on a family.
-Men are inferior.

I was following her the whole way through her talk having one of those “hallelujah sister” moments until she got to the part about men. I don’t know how all of you feel about this last (semi-joking) statement but it really slapped me in the face and took the moment away. She was joking right?

The best moment of her talk though, and I hope you were there to see it was the BIOTCH WINGS! This I believe is really important. Learn how to defend your ideas. In my opinions part of this is getting to know your team really well. Find out what types of arguments work. Something else I find useful is letting your colleagues know what signals you are upset. (And ladies this is also true in relationships) Do not just subtly act upset specifically say when I do this it means stop and listen for a moment.

What do you use to get people to listen up ?

First I would like to profile the speakers of this session and then discuss the interactive portions.

Mary Czerwinski Microsoft Research
Mary, HCI for the future of computing, etc. Been at microsoft for 15-16yrs and she pulled it together from scratch. Got undergrad masters and phd in psychology. Got into studying the brain and was advised by this great group of people. She took the industry route and never looked back.

Soha Hassoun Tufts University
Soha, MIT “well why not”. Took a break from masters for a few years and worked for a company called digital, the micro processor design group. Most amazing experience. Became part of the EECS department they split and they were 5 people only and shes been building. Tufts CS is #35 now in the ranking after only 7 years. She now builds predictive models for livers. Her daughter synchronize skates. She is no longer married, and happy for it.

Both of these speakers were so wonderful. Because of the interactive portions of this session I got to meet several wonderful people. During the introduction portion I met Pascale Houabche and Kathy from Harris, what a coincidence since we are both from Melbourne Florida! What a wonderful activity.

During the elevator pitch section. I did my elevator speech with Anshu Agrawal. It took us a few tries but we are now all the better for it.

Mary Jean Harrold – BS MS math, secondary, college math teacher, PhD CS, Georgia Tech now.

Mary is a fast speaker but by the end I understand why. She was trying to pack years worth of advise into one session. With her kind and inspiring words I think many girls felt reassured that they are not asking too much of their advisors and of themselves. A lot of people talk to me about their advisor and most times it is just small problems but when I hear something big my advise to them is to change advisors. It was reassuring to hear her say that this is a possible task.

The one thing I remember most from her session is:
“Advisor-advisee relationship are forever. You want an advisor that will do things. After you graduate you want someone on your side. Recommend you for awards later. In general be a continual advisor. Almost every time she has something serious she asks her advisors opinion.”

Nina Bhatti – UC Berkeley BA Mathematics and Computer Science, worked at tektronix inc sw developer 3 yrs. Made her excited to go back to grad school. Now a research scientist at HP labs.

She started with an older professor but she ended up with a younger group. Professional research is different you determine what is a good area business as well as technical reasons.

Besides her very interesting research the two point that she really drove home in this session was the need for funding and the importance of collaboration. Even if you are going into the academic world you will need money. Also no matter where you are coming from you will need to be able to bring people together behind your ideas and this is an important skill to have.

Here are some personal profiles of the wonderful speakers in this session. Get to know them on this blog and then take some time to speak with them on their topics.

Elizabeth Mynatt Ga Tech
Erika Poole Penn State
Jane Prey Microsoft Research

Industry first then Academic. Researcher by day, toothfairy by night. Professor in Interactive computing, previous research staff member at Xerox PARC, Mom, Wife, Daughter.

My favorite point of Beth’s was that you need to have an “insecurity buddy” there needs to be at least one person in your life that you can go to and say “I’m having one of those days”. I feel that this is one of the most important things being a PhD Student or a student in general. If you don’t have that one person your insecurities seep into your professional life and this is not ok. With this person you should be able to tell them your irrational fears and they can help you through them. Then when the time comes you can do the same for them.

One month out of graduate school is now teaching. talked about things you shouldnt do in graduate school, she’s done all of them feel free to chat with her later. New professor she is looking for students technologies that are used by families.

The point that Erika made about keeping a list of ALL of your hair brained ideas really spoke to me. With these online communities and blogs you should make a private list maybe a google doc and put in it all of your good and bad ideas. Along with them put some dates. This list you should keep forever and in a few years go back to it and you will see all of these disconnected dots that you can now connect into a coherent idea. We have no idea how smart we are and when we have the global view it changes our perspectives on ideas from the past. Plus you will not remember it if you don’t write it down, so give it a try!

Academic first then went to industry. “Still deciding what she wants to do when she wants to grow up” this is why she did both research and industry. Mom with grown kids (she beat the whip hard enough and so her three kids are in tech 🙂 ) she’s on a year to year contract with her husband 🙂 and she is also a daughter (sandwich generation).

A view on the welcome speech:

Lori Pollock spoke to us for 15 minutes this morning and her slides were very informative. I’m glad they had something occur 30 minutes before the sessions to get everyone downstairs and ready.

She went over what we should be doing today emphasizing that it is a special day for students so all you undergrad, grads, and post grads out there listen up!

What you should be doing today
–Attend presentations (by students)
–Attend poster session (more by students)
–Listen to advise this afternoon

What’s the difference between the PhD Forum and the New Investigators?
PhD Forum (still working on their phd) and New Investigators (just graduated students research).

This is your chance to see what its like fro a graduate student to present at a forum like this.

LUNCH!!! Special in that there will be tables for special topic areas. Meet other people with common interests.

A summary of the tracks coming up today –

Undergrad track – What is research, how is it different from development, how do i know it is for me, what is the path.

Grad track (2) – 1-2 yr. then senior grad students – Now no one is telling you what to do, now what? Building network how? What’s it take to do great research? How to make Huge impacts. – How do i start my own research program… how do i become a leader… how do i get promoted (important).

Evening – newcomer session, how to maneuver, what should i not miss, how do you plan your time.

Whew that is a long day, I hope to see you all around. Come introduce yourself and lets introduce our pokens!