For over ten years, Charna Parkey has been applying signal processing techniques to practical problems. She’s given many talks on emergent language patterns, an array of signal processing topics, startup and leadership topics and building and rolling out AI systems at scale. She is currently the Applied Scientist at Textio, the augmented writing platform changing the way people communicate. For anything you write, Textio tells you ahead of time who’s going to respond based on the language you’ve used. Textio’s augmented writing engine is designed to attach to any large text corpus with outcomes to find the patterns that work.

In her new podcast, Signal from Noise, Charna explores the ways that language so often gets in the way of good communication at work. And what we can do to fix it. She’ll engage in real conversations with real people in her life and try to get to the heart of the issues you may encounter. Combined with expert opinions from subject matter experts they’ll see how old communication patterns serve or work against us. Each episode wraps up with an analysis of different language patterns you can use to start to a new shared language at work. Subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen today and you’ll be notified when the first episode launches!

If you have questions about Charna speaking at your event, writing for your publication, or about the podcast, reach out by email or schedule a video chat here. Her LinkedIn is the best representation of her professional career.

Charna Parkey Headshot