Contains posts on my research on this topic as well as reviews of papers, conference sessions and articles related to this topic.

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  • Performance is quantified using the inverse of the SINAD.
  • Known Input Spectrum:
    1500 taps
    Input is filtered white noise, Butterworth 20th order wc cutoff
    JL -79 to -25 dB
    EO -62 to -35 dB
    PLH -90 to -39 dB
    FIR LMS -90 to -39 dB (best overall)

    150 taps FIR LMS clearly better (same performance), others have -70 and > dB

    15 taps FIR LMS clearly better (same performance), others have -54 and > dB

  • Unknown Input Spectrum
    150 taps, fixed nominal filter Butterworth lowpass 10th order cutoff 0.4Hz
    FIR LMS clearly better with nearly same performance, others have -88 and >
  • Periodic Input Signal
    150 taps, Butterworth lowpass input filter 20th order cutoff 0.4Hz
    FIR LMS clearly better -172.83 dB
    PLH -71.65 dB
    JL -30 dB
    EO -58.37 dB

Final Comments:

Each of the methods can be shown to be equivalent in certain cases but the FIR LMS seems to out perform on a wide scale because of the optimal derivation.

Official Reference:

Marelli, D.; Mahata, K.; Minyue Fu, “Linear LMS Compensation for Timing Mismatch in Time-Interleaved ADCs,” Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on , vol.56, no.11, pp.2476-2486, Nov. 2009
